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£40.00 away from free delivery


Family Beers

What will I receive?

Each month you will receive 12 x 440ml specials from our freshest release. You will receive multiples of each special to make a 12 pack. You will also receive an exclusive piece of merch. On occasion, we may require you to supply a size to ensure merch is the best fit possible.

When will I receive my subscription box?

To ensure you get the beers as fresh as possible, we aim to ship all subscriptions on the first week of the month as they are released. This may change from time to time, depending on the brewery’s needs. We will communicate delivery dates by email each month.

How do I manage my subscription?

To manage your subscription, you can log in to your accounts section of our website – from there; you click the ‘Subscriptions’ tab on the left.

If there are any issues, please contact

How do I pause or cancel my subscription?

To cancel or pause your subscription, please email with your subscription order number and full name associated with the order.

When will payment be taken?

After your initial payment, you will be charged on the 14th of each month. If this payment is missed, we will try to retake the payment. If this fails, your subscription will be put on hold.

How do I update my billing information?

Currently, we are unable to update billing information for subscriptions via the accounts page.

If you need to change or update your card details for a subscription, please email to cancel your existing subscription and sign up for a new subscription via our Family Beers page.

When is the cutoff to cancel my subscription?

The cutoff date for cancelling subscriptions is the 13th of each month.

I didn’t cancel my subscription before the cutoff date. Can I be refunded?

Once payment has been processed, we cannot change your subscription, and you will receive that month’s box. If you cancel after the cut off date, you will receive the relevant box as your last.

Will I be notified before the next payment is taken?

You will receive an automated email reminding you of the next payment day.

How are payments taken?

Stripe is our current payment provider. They will take all payments using the card details supplied on sign up. The payments are made securely.

You will be charged each month until your cancel or pause your subscription through the accounts section on our website.

If payment fails multiple times, your subscription will be put on hold, and you will not receive your box.

If you believe your subscription may be on hold, please email, where we can re-activate your subscription for you.

Can I change my delivery address?

You can update your delivery address through the account section of our website. We will take the delivery address saved to your account on the day payment is received.

If you need to make changes to this after payment, please email ahead of our confirmed shipping date.

Check out some of our favourites:


Session IPA

£3.00 | 4.6%